Sunday, September 18, 2011

Confirmed, Plausible, or Busted?

As you may or may not know--or care--I am a huge Mythbusters fan. Adam Savage is the unrivaled soul-mate to my inner five-year-old; Jamie Hyneman is the type-A personality that I love to watch, hate to work with, and want to be like. They've done more towards making science and building cool than Mr. Wizard and Bill Nye combined, and the show is hilarious.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back to School (Again)

As it might surprise you to know, I dropped out of college after a car accident. I broke my ankle, and there was no way I could navigate the stairs and carry my backpack with my leg in a cast up to my thigh (don't ask me why it was so high, when the broken bone was way down on the other end of the leg), and so I withdrew from all my classes and pretty much dropped out.

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