Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rockin' Robin: Tweet Tweet!

Twitter is becoming a bad, bad habit for me. Of the 35 42 people I follow, maybe five--MAYBE--I speak to on a regular basis. The rest?

Celebrity twitters.

My most recent addition? Meat Loaf. That's right. Meat's on Twitter. @RealMeatLoaf, if you want to follow him, too.

What other celebs do I follow?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shun Society, Be A Screenwriter!

Anyone who isn't one of my two best friends who gets the title reference will get cookies. And I'm nearly certain I mean the kind of cookies where I will bake them and put them in a bag and mail them to you.

But it's getting near that time of year again. No, it's not November, so it's not Nanowrimo (that's National Novel Writing Month for those of you in the not-know), but it is six days away from April, and that means Script Frenzy.

Script Frenzy is Nanowrimo's sister event, and it's exactly what it sounds like. Nanowrimo gives you a month to write a 50,000 word novel. Script Frenzy gives you a month to write a 100 page script.

What kind of script, tv, movie, radio, play, is all up to you. Script Frenzy provides you with a list of helpful tools, formatting guidelines, free websites (my personal favorite is Zhura) that'll help you format your script, and forums so you can connect with your fellow scriptwriters and seek out support and mental health assistance as well as moral support.

www.scriptfrenzy.org is the website, so look for me there! I'll keep you all updated on the script as it goes along.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Virtually Organized

If you could take a look around my house, especially my bedroom, you'd realize something about me.

I'm a Clutterer. I'm also a Pack Rat. Those two things together generally mean that it's kind of hard for me to remember what color the carpet in my bedroom is (thank God I've got the same kind of carpet in the rest of the house.)

But then, if you'd take a look at my computer's hard drive? You wouldn't believe that it belonged to the same person. All of my files, on my external and my internal drives, are organized.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The One Who...

You ever have a moment where you wonder where a certain person is now? Maybe it's someone you went to high school or college with, or someone you worked with once upon a time and now they've moved?

I've got a few of those people I'd like to find. Just because I wonder. I wonder what their lives are like now, if they achieved the things for themselves that they wanted to achieve, or if they went down a completely different road. Are they happy or miserable? And, selfishly, I wonder if they remember me at all, much less as fondly as I remember them.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Movie Review: The Evil Dead

The Evil Dead

Starring: Bruce Campbell, Hal Delrich, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Baker, Sarah York.
Produced by: Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert
Directed by: Sam Raimi


Welcome to The Crazy Quilt. Named after one of my favorite Batman Comic Book Villains, it also refers to a quilting process and a card game. In this case, however, it's referring to the crazy quilt patchwork style of thinking that I specialize in.

It also means you'll find all sorts of nummy things here; pontifications on things, movie reviews (mostly of DVDs; going out in public is not something I do well), and the occasional "You should really know this person because..." posts, even the occasional self-advertisement as I get my DVD drive fixed and can resume updating Imaginos.

Labels/tags are your friend. Believe me.

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