Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Best Laid Plans Of Mice and Women

Well, I obviously didn't get a chance to do ScriptFrenzy this year. I missed the whole first week and a half because my dad was in the hospital. He's fine now, and the rest of the month is full of doctor's visits and such.

Which brings me to what I'm doing the rest of the time.

Why, I'm getting my lazy fingers in gear and updating my screencap site! That's right, I finally got the DVD drive in the lappy fixed. My first set?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season one, episode seven, titled "Angel." Yes, I did it out of order. But you know, it was worth it. Imaginos: A Screencap Image Archive is where you can find it, and everything else I've capped! As George Carlin once put it, "And enjoy your digital selves."

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