And then I re-read some of the reviews I've written in the past, and I realize why I don't. I suck at it. It's not for lack of trying; God knows I've tried. But I just don't have the right voice for it.
I've tried to write reviews for Flash Gordon as well as for Supernatural, and while I think my Supernatural reviews might not suck, they're also not gold standard.
My biggest problem comes from my point of view. Because I know what I want to see in a show, and over time, I have come to find out that what I want to see in a show is not what most people want to see in a show.
For example, I want the following:
- Intelligent characters
- Linear, non-loophole writing
- Steady, logical character development
- Strongly written season/character arcs
- Smart, sassy female characters who are not perfect
- Ethnic diversity
I have found that most people don't want those. And for my evidence, I offer Smallville, a show that I loved endlessly for three years, and hung onto for two more before I just... couldn't. Smallville broke every single one of those rules, multiple times, and the show lasted for ten damn years.
Firefly, on the other hand, had every single one of those characteristics, and it lasted a whopping thirteen episodes.
There are exceptions, of course; Joss Whedon's other creations (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series, I'm looking smack at you) pop to mind, as does Supernatural's first five years. House, MD would also fit that class, although the last few seasons I'd kind of turned a blind eye to the lack of diversity.
So I realize that when I write a review, I chastise a show for something that for the most part, they're actually bragging about because the majority of people like it. So I shut up about it, and realize that this is why I don't write reviews.
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